Who would your rather learn from; someone who has known their passion and purpose from an early age and has no clue how they figured it out or someone who struggled for 14 years and then figured out a system to help himself and now THOUSANDS of other people discover what they're truly passionate about, why they're here on this earth and how to package those up in a way that creates wealth?
I think you'd most likely answer with the latter of the two, yes or yes?
Why? Well for one it's probably much more relatable to you. You would've never registered for the web class if you already had everything figured out.
True or true?In addition to being relatable, the 2nd person also has a proven track record of success in his own life AND has taught thousands of other students how to get to where they want to be.
Furthermore, this is not just data for your left brain to feast on, the program is filled with powerful reflective processes that actually bypass your head and go directly to your heart and soul, where the real you is buried.
You see, that was T. Harv Eker's biggest issue. He was constantly thinking. He was constantly trying to figure everything out with his mind. And the result was that he became more and more confused and more and more stuck.
Then at a zen retreat one of his instructors said this to him, “If what you were looking for was where you were looking, chances are you'd have already found it by now.”
In a nano second he realized that for all these years he'd been looking with the wrong part, in the wrong place. He'd been looking with his mind, outside of him, instead of with his heart, inside of him.
Your wisdom comes from your heart, not your head.Your true passion, your true purpose and the life vision that is perfect for you are found in your heart, not your head.
So that's what is so unusual about this program. It works with both.
It allows you to access your heart intelligence for truth and then use your head intelligence to put it together in a way that works successfully in the real world.
Good or good?
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